Wednesday, May 09, 2007

spring haiku

dandelion smell
I never noticed before
thirty seven years

pear blossoms smell like dead fish
Hannah is wasting the soap

soap to wash my hands
covered in India Ink
after my art class

ink covered Hannah body
read the writing on your wall

high school hallway wall
stink covered teenage bodies
don't let them moon you

remembering my first drink
Greg T.'s dad's peppermint schnapps

let me smell your breath
when you try to sneak in late
sweeping the sidewalk

climbing to my bedroom sill
but the front door was unlocked

this invitation
disregarded by my cat
astonishes me

you should rub it in catnip
growing in my mother's yard

leaping from windows
a privilige she has lost
catnip and birds gone

L. Boese & Stacey Gray

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