Saturday, April 28, 2007

Chalk Drawings

The boys at the Mansion House have asked me to do some chalk drawings for them on the walls. I've added some bubble hockey tips, and a few bad jokes. One of my favourites is "Tip Bartenders, Not Cows!" I am also fond of "The 5 second rule doesn't apply to beer, so learn how to hold your liquor!" Today I drew a picture of Erick Von Erick and the Raving Psychos in the back bar. If anyone gets a decent picture of any of these, I'd appreciate it, and I will post them, if you send them to me!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Living Things Lesson Plan Proposal

First visit:

Science, Living Things

Prior to 1st visit, students will learn about eggs

1st visit - Larva

materials: Plasticine, maybe some pipe cleaners, digestible cookies

warm up
-students will be led in a physical warm up, on the floor.
-Students will crawl around on the floor, without using hands or feet, just wiggling
-students will attempt to eat digestible cookies without their fingers or hands or teeth!
(I will bring digestible cookies, and we can place them on the students' desks for them)
-students will make larva from plasticine to be wrapped with paper mache in the following week
The larvae will be built around a pipe cleaner so we can hang the pupae from a branch for a week.
students will store the larva for a week

2nd visit

materials: paper mache, leaves, maybe paint
vocabulary: camouflage, larvae, pupae, chrysalis

- we will coat the larva with a mixture of glue and paper mush, and let dry over the week. We may even be able to hang them like ornaments from a tree branch if I can find one. We can colour the paper mash, or the kids can include a layer of leaves on the outer coating. we can collect the leaves before I arrive.

3rd week

making the butterflies

materials: paper, crayons, pencils
we will do a wax transfer to ensure symmetry
each student will draw half a butterfly on a page, designed to be camouflaged in the room.
for instance, a butterfly may have book titles as its pattern. then the opposite side of the page will be covered in wax crayon. Fold the paper in half and trace the pattern to get the symmetrical pattern. Colour in. We can pull the pipe cleaners from the dried up chrysalis and attach the wings to them, and attach the butterflies to the branch.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

earth day

Went down into the Niagara Gorge with Stacey Gray today, all loaded up with lots of plastic bags so we could collect garbage. The place was infested with rock climbers, everywhere. We got a fullish bag to take out, but were trumped by a couple who were leaving just as we were arriving, with 2 ginormous clear plastic bags stuffed like cannoli with trash. I guess they didn't know we were coming. On our way out we passes a unicyclist (!) on his way down. He wasn't carrying the unicycle. He was riding it.
Then we went to a cooking class led by Greg Willis at the Superstore. We didn't learn much but ate some great food made by a young lady preparing for some sort of competition on Tuesday. One of the other guests, John, a jazz pianist, had just been in the gorge while we were there, and saw the same stuff we did! He also knows the fellow I'd met at Christina's yesterday: John Paytash, the photographer.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Another busy day

I started the day off with blueberry pancakes and an egg at Christina's. The fellow at the next booth over was reading an interesting looking book about nutrition, so I asked if I could look at it when his order came. Then George Doros walked in and we yakked a bit. the fellow in the next booth heard all the art talk and told me that he is a professional photographer, and that his son wants to go to OCAD, and we had the same high school art teachers, and he is a vegetarian. I'm kinda glad to be so gregarious! I told him to go check out the NAC Garage sale.

The kids in my painting class at Rodman have one week left. I told them that they were making grisaille, and what that meant. They also started a new colour exercise. Several of the girls' parents are teachers, and the girls were surprised to hear that I am a 'teacher' as well. Apparantly I am not like a real teacher to them. I'll be processing that for a while.

I got some pics posted on the facebook site from the Rodman Hall March Break Art Camp, and there are 2 or 3 here now too.

The Mansion House has asked me to fill up some of their chalk boards, so I have been putting illustrated advice up for the bubble hockey game, and a few bad jokes. For instance, there's a picture of a spilled beer with the caption : "The 5 second rule doesn't count for beer, so learn how to hold your liquor!" And my fave: "Tip bartenders, not cows!" There's a drawing of a toppled Holstein next to it. I'll post a pic or two as they show up.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

"You did all that?"

The girls in my art class at Rodman are making some great pictures, but it always feels like they have to pack up and leave just as soon as they get started. One girl came late because she had been to a birthday party - she didn't want to miss the last half hour of class if she didn't have to! They are making monochrome still life pictures of my knick-knacks. When they are done they will test by cutting holes into the centres of the squares in their scales, and match up the tones to see if they have at least 8 different values. Afterwards, as a surprise, I'm going to let them put a colour wash over the monochrome to give their pictures a full rainbow of hues.
Then it was off to April's birthday. I think the best way to describe her would be my long lost niece. I had my mom meet me there, and we had a big reunion with Barb and Jen and Roger. What a treat! I'm sure there will be pictures. I understand faces were hurting from laughing so much at my show.
Then dinner at Strega with mom, and off to see the Niagara Dance Company perform at the Old Courthouse Theatre. Saw Kim's Chair dance and liked it a lot. All the performances were good. I really felt good seeing an artform that hadn't been mediated by a glowing bluish square screen.
Afterwards I talked with Anita about the upcoming Thinner Smarter Younger Show at the Fine Grind.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Learning Through The Arts

Grade 3 students are studying math, language, and social studies. For math they are studying geometry: flips, turns and rotations. For language: retelling stories and distinguishing between nouns and verbs. For Social Studies: pioneers.
Today I brought in a set of steer horns from my Grandmother, a couple of books, and some of my stone carvings. I told them a little about growing up on a farm, and how my grand parents and great grandparents had to do lots of things for themselves. "There was no Avondale or Giant Tiger around if you ran out of stuff!"
I had found a book about pioneers at the Lock 3 Museum. All the library had were books about contemporary farmers and Inuit. I imagine everyone had scooped up the books about pioneers. The museum was very gracious and had pre-selected a story book with loads of nouns, as per my request. The kids listened for nouns and yelled 'Ding!' whenever they heard a noun, which the teacher wrote on a small piece of paper to be put in a hat for later.
Then after pulling nouns from the tuque the students began drawing their pictures. Next week the plan is to start arranging the pictures on a large cloth sheet, to form patterns for a 'quilt'. The students' pictures will be flipped and turned to make a complex symmetrical pattern which they can colour in later.

Monday, April 09, 2007


My face is aching
Like winter in spring damn it
Gone to blow my nose

wet tissue trails behind me
tomorrow I'll taste my soup

I'm trying to think
as easy as drying rain
make it go away

drowning worms slither away
dewy writing on sidewalks

had a bath alone
I'd rather it a river
clean and smelling good

moonlight rinsing across me
go to sleep little bay bee

lullaby sweet dreams
twinkle twinkle little star
ever wonder why

from so far away star light
to see you to see me, comes

dreams of you so clear
dusty remains still decay
particles settle

not remembered in morning
nor forgotten when written

L. Boese & Stacey Gray

Sunday, April 08, 2007


moon flat as a plate
potatoes and tomatoes
from the fridge to stove

fresh ground pepper mill
by the garlic and noodles
my senses accute

downstairs water runs
music to accompany
two more senses left

sounds like John Coltrane
smells like skafrocubanjazz
no more senses left

L. Boese and Stacey Gray

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Linda and Clint

Linda is installed in the Fine Grind, and Clint is in the Strega. I can't wait to hear what people think of Clint's watercolours and portraits. Actually, both shows are portraiture based. I never saw that coming! Below is a newsletter from Linda, and one of her paintings she made at one of the classes she teaches.

Paint in Newfoundland
with Linda Hankin who loves to paint the spirit of the land, sea, air, the night sky, fauna, floral, portraits and design elements of houses, shops and more!
for an art and outdoor holiday experience in Newfoundland
July 15-20, 2007
Join us in
an instructional on location painting experience.

You can meet Linda Hankin in Trinity, Newfoundland or book your flight and accommodations with Linda Hankin in co-operation with Travelwise.
“Art/Vacation Experience : July 15-20 2007
Plein Air” French means Open Air
We are taking registrations now for a seven day Plein Air Painting Course in Trinity, Newfoundland with Linda Hankin from the School of Ideas. Call for brochure at 905/382-3450 or e-mail The painting workshop is for the artist who is willing to devote him or herself to a creative experience with other artists of similar intent. There is no regimentation. The workshop is conducted in an informal manner, as a group of friends, painting and sharing experiences in a supportive environment. We meet together as a group on a regular basis--two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon and then consultation during the day or discussion at night about work. Linda Hankin will be painting along side you and will be available on a one-to-one basis to any participants who desire further instruction or a consultation on the progress of their painting. Participants are free to work in any medium of their choosing, however careful consideration should be given to the medium’s portability and practicality.
based on 3 students $675. each
based on 4 students $500. each
based on 5 students $400. each
based on 6 students $335. each
based on 7 students $290. Each
Four star B&B, Campbell House, Trinity, Newfoundland:

Air Fare:
WestJet $576.08
Jul 15 Dep Toronto 7:30 am Arr St. John's 11:59 am
Jul 22 Dep St. John's 12:40 pm Arr Toronto 2:37 pm

Westjet $554.88
Jul 15 Dep Toronto 7:30 am Arr St. John's 11:59 am
Jul 23 Dep St. John's 12:40 pm Arr Toronto 2:37 pm

Westjet $597.28
Jul 15 Dep Toronto 7:30 am Arr St. John's 11:59 am
Jul 20 Dep St. John's 12:40 pm Arr Toronto 2:37 pm

Westjet $543.22
Jul 15 Dep Hamilton 1:10 pm Arr Halifax 4:08 pm
Jul 15 Dep Hamilton 8:45 pm Arr St. John's 10:41 pm
Jul 20 Dep St. John's 1:40 pm Arr Halifax 2:47 pm
Jul 20 Dep Halifax 4:45 pm Arr Hamilton 5:58 pm

Westjet $543.22
Jul 15 Dep Hamilton 1:10 pm Arr Halifax 4:08 pm
Jul 15 Dep Hamilton 8:45 pm Arr St. John's 10:41 pm
Jul 23 Dep St. John's 1:40 pm Arr Halifax 2:47 pm
Jul 23 Dep Halifax 4:45 pm Arr Hamilton 5:58 pm


Still available 2 Bedroom – 2 Bathroom Vacation Home: Gover House. Sleeps 2, (3 or 4 double occupancy) Rate $1350.00 plus tax for 6 days. A full breakfast is included.
Additional accommodation nearby is available. Cost varies between $75 and $125 dollars per room/night Please, call or email for information.

Lunch and Dinner is served daily in the Twine Loft and can be reserved on a daily basis.
Packed lunches can be ordered the night before.

Participants not staying at Campbell House, Gover House, Artisan Inn or Lighthouse View can purchase breakfast in the Twine Loft if they wish. Cost is $12.00 (This is a full breakfast).

The Cost of a 4-Course Dinner is $29.00 –$30.00. Reservations preferable.
A 4-night Dinner Package can be purchased by participants at a cost of $99.00 plus tax per person. This does not include alcohol, tax or gratuity. (July 17, 18, 19, 20).

Monday July 16: “Mondays with Morgan”. Dinner and a show @ $45.00 Workshop Participants 20% discount.

Other Events and Entertainment in Trinity:

See events calendar

If you are traveling with Linda Hankin, the charge for the vehicle will be shared. A vehicle will be waiting for us at the St. John’s, Newfoundland airport.

Medical and Cancellation Insurance Extra.

You should take out comprehensive insurance so that you are covered not just for medical expenses, in case of sickness or accidents, but also for travel delays, loss of cash or personal items. This expense is extra.

I cannot accept responsibility for any aspect of your stay which I have no control.

All other trips within Newfoundland are extra.

Please sign

Director, Linda Hankin, School of Ideas
Tel. #: 905-382-3450 (Canada)
Home address: 7378 Durliat Road, R.R.#4
Welland, Ontario. L3B 5N7

Call for more information at 905-382-3450