Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Living Things Lesson Plan Proposal

First visit:

Science, Living Things

Prior to 1st visit, students will learn about eggs

1st visit - Larva

materials: Plasticine, maybe some pipe cleaners, digestible cookies

warm up
-students will be led in a physical warm up, on the floor.
-Students will crawl around on the floor, without using hands or feet, just wiggling
-students will attempt to eat digestible cookies without their fingers or hands or teeth!
(I will bring digestible cookies, and we can place them on the students' desks for them)
-students will make larva from plasticine to be wrapped with paper mache in the following week
The larvae will be built around a pipe cleaner so we can hang the pupae from a branch for a week.
students will store the larva for a week

2nd visit

materials: paper mache, leaves, maybe paint
vocabulary: camouflage, larvae, pupae, chrysalis

- we will coat the larva with a mixture of glue and paper mush, and let dry over the week. We may even be able to hang them like ornaments from a tree branch if I can find one. We can colour the paper mash, or the kids can include a layer of leaves on the outer coating. we can collect the leaves before I arrive.

3rd week

making the butterflies

materials: paper, crayons, pencils
we will do a wax transfer to ensure symmetry
each student will draw half a butterfly on a page, designed to be camouflaged in the room.
for instance, a butterfly may have book titles as its pattern. then the opposite side of the page will be covered in wax crayon. Fold the paper in half and trace the pattern to get the symmetrical pattern. Colour in. We can pull the pipe cleaners from the dried up chrysalis and attach the wings to them, and attach the butterflies to the branch.

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