Monday, June 25, 2007

Does this guy ever work?

This morning I met with the Community Liaison Officers from the Niagara Regional Police, to talk about their new colouring book. I made 2 offers. One is based on me doing the drawings, composing them with text, formatting them for the page, and finally turning them into electronic files. The other was based on me just doing the drawings. They'll get back to me.
I took all the Mad Science gear back to the lab after a coffee, and hung out there for a bit. It's nice to hang out with April. I brought her some bean salad from Wright Brothers Market. I told her about my nightmare birthday party. I also found my new book of Zen poetry that had been lost in the car(nage) seats under all the Mad Science gear.
On Sunday, Kim took me to find a place she new where the Canada Geese go to molt, so I could get loads of feathers to make quills for summer cartooning camp. We watched a movie at her place while the feathers soaked in some bleach. I picked up a collection of short stories by Roauld Dahl for her daughters - not kid stories, but not adult stories either. Today, I walked from my house to meet Kim at the Fine Grind, but stopped at Serendipity on Duke on the way picked up some turquoise beads to string into a mala. (Tomorrow is the Karmapa's birthday.)
Tonight I went to the NAC for a Selections Committee meeting. That is the way to see all the proposal submissions from all the artists that want to have a show in the Main Space. Now, even the Members' Space requires approval from a Selections Committee. So many people were getting memberships for the sole purpose of having a show that the NAC said "enough!" From 15 - 20 submissions. Perhaps only 1 - 3 proposals might be selected, and those selected depend quite a bit on the people that show up at the meeting. A different group may end up selecting a completely different artist. That's why I like to go. I know there are lots of magazine articles, and websites, and galleries, but the Selection Process is different; it feels vital.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

can i use the term car(nage)?
it applies in so many ways.
by the way- do you remember 'voluntold'. That's one useful word!