Saturday, February 24, 2007

Haiku Hoover

2 Art Openings tonight: one for the art teachers at Ridley College, and another for Kim at the Fine Grind, and they are both scheduled for the exact same time! So what am I doing at home? Listening to my $34 after tax DVD Player repeat the same tunes because for some reason my remote control won't work after a week of semi-weekly use. Laugh if you like.

The Grade 2 kids from my school gave me a stack of thank-you cards for letting them make 3D shapes in the snow! My throat is closing up like an allergic reaction! The cards have little diagrams of rectangular prisms, cylinders and everything.

My quest for books about haiku or containing haiku is being thwarted across the Peninsula by a fellow teacher, unnamed, who hoovers them up regularly from the used bookstores. I am lucky to have found the ones I did. These things truly are gems; portable, precious, oiling up in someones else's house. It's even harder to track down renga, renku or such. If anyone ever comes across "The Monkey's Cloak" in English, I'd pay for a copy.

Here's a sneak preview of a possible poster for local artist and Niagara River hero, Matt Vizbulis!

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