Monday, February 19, 2007

le weekend

Friday was filled with stress inducing elements. My car's battery died, and I needed to get a boost fast because I had a class scheduled in an hour. my dad came through. When I got to the school, both of my teachers were absent due to illness, and the Board had scheduled an introduction to using the rosary for every student in every school across the Region, starting at 11 a. m. The substitute told me it was supposed to last about 15 minutes, so I decided to stay and finish the program. From 10:30 to 11:00 we did plasticine shapes, then washed all the hands, because students in Grade 2 would have ended up with plasticine stained Rosaries to take home.
Saturday Ron and I went to Chris and Joy's Stag and Doe. Joy asked if I remembered working wiyth her at the Museum one summer. (?) I wish I did. She was in the gift shop and I was teaching, so i don't really remember. 20 years of teaching, and only the problem children really leave an impression on me. I got lucky at the door prize table though. Look for me at Shaw Festival this summer.
I brought some wheat gluten powder to a Mad Science party on Sunday as an example of a polymer. The kids liked it. Sunday night I went to see Suitcase in Point perform "Cabaret Global Warming" at the Merchant Ale House. Cole Lewis performed a beautiful projection piece with birds drawn on overhead sheets. She did some spoken word while manipulating several images, and Joe lapinski played a gentle progrssion on his guitar. Maja Bannerman did some music as well, on her guitar. I was under the impression she just did story-telling. Edwin was funny as usual. Lesley and I discussed whether he reminded us more of Duke from Doonesbury, or The Gonzo Reporter. Matt Vizbulis brought be a tube with samples of his artwork in it. He'd like me to scan them and make it available on the to promote his show next month.

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