Saturday, January 20, 2007

Winter Renga col·lab·o·ra·tion

Wind to bare in mind.
Earth to move, fire to quench;
all these, Winter does.

elements gathering here
out of the cold, creation

The seeds lie dormant, quiet
a ghostly form leaves my mouth

warm moist air sculpture fleeting
silent january voice


Adriana said...

so, after reading the wiki site, it looks like it should be 5-7-5,7-7,5-7-5 etc...

so perhaps after "out of cold, creation" we should put...

Small shovel diggs earth,
a hidden treasure lies there
birds fly overhead.

I do love what you did with the idea of the's exactly what I wanted to say... :)-A.

Adriana said...

or we could just start a new one! Your turn first!

Adriana said...

my shoes grind what my fists can't
my tongue touches what none can

Anonymous said...

Small shovel diggs earth,
a hidden treasure lies there
birds fly overhead

small shovel builds a castle
each grain of sand a new brick

Adriana said...

alligators yawn
salt water moat, draw bridge creaks
small hands mold towers