Friday, November 10, 2006

Lost and Found

If you found $20 would you report it? $50? $100? $5?
I once found two fifty dollar bills rolled together, on the sidewalk, while I was walking to high school. I held on to them all day in my pocket, and phoned the police when I got home. They very seriously asked me if there were any identifying marks on them, and when I said "none that I can see" they told me to keep them. Sometimes it depends on where you find it too. Outside, cash on the ground is fair game I figure.
I got to do a short Mad Science birthday party 2 blocks from my house this afternoon. There were a couple of American boys in the party, so I had to identify one material as "soda" instead of "pop". They appreciate little details like that.
Found a great percolator coffee maker at the Value Village today. At $3.99 it will pay for itself by tomorrow. It's already made me 2 fantastic cups of coffee today, and I expect 3-4 more tomorrow. Fresh coffee will go straight into my pre-heated stainless steel thermos tomorrow morning, and Timmie's can #@%! in their own pots. They don't need any more of my money. (smiles gleefully) One more step towards official crackpotdom!

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